For the last 18 months, we’ve been testing, trading and improving
an AI-based self-learning ‘pattern sensor’ to gain an edge in the most
competitive and potentially profitable sector of the ASX.

First launched in the depths of the 2022 bear market, we had plenty of hypothetical back-testing to show it could work.
Now, a year and a half on…we KNOW it does — it’s beaten the Small Cap Index by 2.8 times.


From 1pm AEST on Monday, 27 May, we sit down with its two creators to show you how it’s revolutionising the way 119 private investors are trading the market…and how you can join them.


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below, then click the button to view ‘The Grand Unveiling’.

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Did you know there’s a secret to steadily and successfully growing your capital over time?

You know what it is?

Forget hot sectors, fad stocks and value.

It’s much more straightforward than any of those.

To grow your trading pot, you need to win more than you lose…and make more on the winners than you lose on the losers.

It’s that simple.

Harder in practice, of course, but that’s why I need your attention today.

The two men you’re about to meet have been working on a methodology that solves this simple idea.

In the words of one of their small group of followers, this methodology has ‘made me very financially comfortable – and still is’.

It all started with a chance meeting…

Like all good acquaintances,
it started in the pub…

James Woodburn

James ‘Woody’ Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail
Investment Research

This chance meeting happened in December 2018 at a Christmas party at the European Bier Café in Melbourne’s CBD.

So, what do you do?’ I asked.

Oh…I look after the kids,’ this man responded in a distinct Dutch accent. ‘My wife does the day job.’

After a brief pause, he asked me, ‘So, what line of work are you in?

I never know how to answer this question.

I mean, my team and I, we’re not traditional finance guys. We don’t manage money. And we are certainly not in with the mainstream press. So, I attempted to explain our business as best I could…

But this chap wasn’t just being polite. He seemed to know a bit about our little corner of the financial world.

By the time we’d sunk a couple more cold ones, it was clear there was more to this man than meets the eye…

It turns out, by day, he did indeed look after the kids.

But by night, he became ‘Chewbakker’…

I know it sounds weird.

And it’s quite a story.

But let me very quickly explain.

Chewbakker: Dad by day, AI algorithm
builder and trader by night

That’s the pseudonym of a trader and financial algorithm builder from the Netherlands.

As I discovered from our conversation, his mates call him ‘Chewie’.

You’ll meet him soon enough.

His ‘origin story’ is a riot, too.

He’s worked for Google…he’s built and sold two businesses…

He’s even attempted to create an algorithm replicating an F-16 fighter pilot’s brain…leading to one of the most unusual approaches to trading the markets you’ll find anywhere.

Chewie isn’t your typical private trader.

His experience in the market spans many decades…building systems, testing, trading, failing, winning, being ripped off hundreds of thousands of dollars, and ultimately getting it all back…makes for a great story.

But here’s what matters for you right now…

Over the past year and a half, Chewie has worked with our small-cap specialist, Callum Newman, to develop a proprietary trading system — built on AI-based self-learning tools — to detect early momentum patterns in small ASX-listed stocks.

And they are now ready to unveil the results…

Dream Team: Man, machine
and AI-assisted trading

At its heart, artificial intelligence is a prediction technology.

AI is continually ingesting more and more data sets to make better and better predictions.

When predicting share price moves, we’re talking thousands of stock market data points every second, per day.

No human brain could compute all this alone.

That’s why, at the end of each day, Chewie’s proprietary AI-powered system sends Callum a shortlist of ASX stocks. This shortlist shows the stocks with the highest momentum and price strength.

The system does the grunt work. Then Callum overlays his independent research and years of personal experience to select the trades he believes could be the biggest winners.

The result of this man-and-machine combo over the last 18 months can be summed up in one distinct graph. Check it out:


Source: Peter Bakker
*Excluding costs and taxes

This graph tracks every single recommended buy and sell since the inception of the system back in October 2022.

It has beaten the benchmark Small Cap Index return by 2.8 times.

How have Callum and Chewie achieved this?

Well, just as no human can crunch millions of data points, no algorithm can genuinely understand the context of the broader market, either.

An algorithm can easily detect price strength and increasing volume. But it doesn’t know if it’s tracking a junior copper explorer with a brass razoo for a bank account…or an insurer with $100 million in cash and a blue-chip client base.

Harnessing human awareness matters when you’re putting your money at risk on a company’s stock. 

Another example: an algorithm can detect increasing confidence in gold shares. But if the gold price collapses 5% in the US overnight, gold shares will get crunched on the open in Australia…and the algo won’t know until it’s too late!

Chewie’s algorithm is designed to crunch the terabytes of raw data flowing through the markets every day, and its AI-powered insights give Callum total freedom to adapt his trades based on what he’s seeing play out in front of him.

In other words, man and machine complement each other’s strengths perfectly.

This is the breakthrough Callum and
Chewie have been testing, trading and
perfecting these past 18 months…

And they’d like to take you through their system in person over a free, four-session video series, culminating in a grand unveiling on Thursday 30 May.

Enter your email address in the box below to reserve your place today.



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This four-part series is free to join.

And you’ll discover something I guarantee will give you a deeper understanding of what moves stock prices…how to detect them…and how to trade the ASX in an entirely new way.

We will show you how Callum and Chewie use their AI-powered system to curate a portfolio of high-probability trades cross-referenced by man and machine.

Here are a few quick examples to give you a taste…

Take this trade — retailer Temple & Webster [ASX: TPW].

Callum and Chewie’s system gave followers the opportunity to bank a 35% gain in 5 weeks…


Source: Optuma

Or look at uranium…

When uranium shares were rallying last year, Callum and Chewie’s followers had the chance to enter Bannerman Energy [ASX: BMN] in late September…and close it out for a 40% gain in February.


Source: Optuma

And remember the ASX getting struck in the middle of 2023?

Well, that didn’t stop small firm MMA Offshore [ASX: MRM] surging for the rest of the year…

Callum and Chewie’s followers had the opportunity to bank a 97% win come March 2024.


Source: Optuma

As I said, that’s just a taster. And of course, not all their recommendations performed like this.

The small-cap sector is one of the riskiest and most volatile on the market. This is also why it can help to employ a system!

We’ll show you how — and why there should be plenty more opportunities coming up this year — when you register below:


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below, then click the button to view ‘The Grand Unveiling’.

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As a recent fund manager report from Selector said:

Since late 2023, investors have been wrong-footed. High interest rates, high inflation readings, global turmoil and economic unease prompted retreat among the many ‘expert’ commentators. How wrong they have been, as local and global share markets move higher.’

Well…here at Fat Tail Investment Research, we didn’t get wrong-footed at all.

Callum has been saying for months that…

You should be positioning for a

Callum was one of the few to read the market right…and stick his neck out when no one else had the guts to go against the herd.

Callum Newman

9 November 2023: In front of a live audience, Callum reveals six new stock picks…and as of 6 May 2024, all but one are showing double-digit gains.

In fact, on 9 November 2023, he declared a new bull market and went public with six stocks to buy in a rare in-person speech.

Five stocks are now up 47%, 87%, 84%, 21%, and 40%.

One is down a marginal 3%.

The question is, how did he do it? And what gave him the confidence to make these calls?

You’ll find that out in this eye-opening video series.

Here’s a snapshot of his call to arms across multiple dates on the Australian investing forum LiveWire (long before the Aussie market ripped upwards this year)…


Source: Livewire

While share prices were depressed, Callum did his best to encourage anyone who would listen to buy more positions on the cheap.

This was all part of his multiyear game plan…

The first stage of a new bull market can be defined as ‘increasing confidence’. This is where the preceding bear market begins to fade away, and investors start to see an initial recovery.

This is also when you often get big moves to the upside.

And that’s precisely what’s happened since November last year on the ASX…


Source: Optuma

This ‘Stage 1 Rip’ can’t last forever, of course. It usually runs for about six months. And it’s likely over now.

So, what happens next?

This is where we enter what can be called ‘Stage 2’.

Stage 2 is defined as ‘increasing earnings’. This is where further share price growth must come from improving fundamentals…and not just hype.

This is usually the most prolonged and least volatile part of a bull market.

Now, there’s no 100% guarantee we ARE in a new bull market. Nobody can predict this with complete certainty.

But all the classic signs are there:

  • Rising share prices
  • Increased mergers and acquisitions
  • Increasing volume
  • The market absorbing ‘bad’ news
  • Reviving investor participation

Of course, even if we are correct to say we’re in a new bull market, we’re not saying it’s without risk either.  There’s always a risk.

But the point is, the market will now be prepared to pay up for — and chase — companies that can grow faster than the general economy.

Significant revenues, enormous cashflows, big earnings — that’s what you want to see.

Because this is where you can look to ride a company’s growth for the long stretch.

Callum believes this is precisely where we
are in the current Aussie market cycle.

He says this stage could efficiently run for another year or more.

And, if history repeats itself, there should be one more final bull stage after that, too…and potentially a very profitable few years ahead for intelligent investors.

The question is: HOW do you find the best trades on the ASX to take advantage of any Stage 2 bull market?

Well, that’s another reason you’ll need to tune in over the next few days…


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Here’s what we’ll cover….

Unveiling the AI-based
‘Small Cap Pattern Sensor’

Day 1:

The self-learning pattern sensor and the brains behind it.

  • You’ll learn why momentum trading is a powerful strategy in the Australian stock market…and how this unique AI-based system to detect it came about.
  • You’ll see why combining human insight with algorithmic trading can lead to superior results.
  • And you’ll discover how this AI-assisted approach allows Callum and Chewie to effectively narrow down the large universe of small-cap stocks on the ASX to identify high-probability trading opportunities each week…and spot subtle patterns that most humans might miss.

Day 2:

AI-assisted trading results: A look at the last 18 months since its launch.

  • You’ll learn how this system is designed to help identify the strongest stocks in the strongest sector…allowing Callum to find high-probability trading opportunities even in difficult market conditions.
  • You’ll see how it helped identify winning trades in sectors like uranium, gold, and retail during challenging periods in 2022 and 2023 when the broader small cap market was under pressure.
  • You’ll discover some big winners in 2024, why the algorithm is firing in today’s market…and why it suggests bullish conditions in the next 18-24 months.

Day 3:

Why now, mid-way through 2024, is the ideal time to implement this system.

  • You’ll see why Callum believes the stage is set for a ‘Stage 2’ bull market in small cap stocks.
  • You’ll learn how the system works in practice – the algorithm scans for stocks showing strong momentum and volume while the human analyst (Callum) reviews the signals to filter out the key stocks to trade.
  • You’ll discover more about the trade management strategy for tracking each position in this high-risk, high-reward sector.

Day 4:

The grand unveiling…and how you can use it.

  • Where the rubber meets the road!

As I said, we go live with the whole story and system starting on Monday, 27 May…and culminating in a grand unveiling at 1pm on Thursday, 30 May.

Again, enter your email address below to reserve your place:

I hope to see you there.


James Woodburn

James ‘Woody’ Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research


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